Policing is a Health Hazard
October 7, 2016 Two weeks ago we learned about the tragic death of Tawon Boyd, a 21 year old Black man from Baltimore. Tawon had been violently attacked by the…
As Critical Resistance develops strong and vibrant grassroots projects and campaigns for abolition, check out updates from our work in Portland, Los Angeles, New York City, Oakland and across the US.
October 7, 2016
Two weeks ago we learned about the tragic death of Tawon Boyd, a 21 year old Black man from Baltimore. Tawon had been violently attacked by the… May 13, 2016
Dear Friends,
This Sunday, May 15 marks the 68th anniversary of the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” when the state of Israel was created in 1948. Driven by the… Our latest issue of The Abolitionist Newspaper has finally arrived! Issue 27 is themed around the Black Panther Party’s Ten Point Program, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the… January 18, 2017
Dear Friends,
It is with great joy that we welcome yesterday’s news that longtime Puerto Rican freedom fighter and political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera, as well as… November 24, 2016
To protectors of the land, indigenous freedom fighters, and defenders against colonialism: we stand in joint struggle with you as our work for abolition of the prison… November 18, 2016
With the presidential race going to Trump last week, Critical Resistance has joined many in reflection and analysis of the current political moment. As a blatantly racist,… October 28, 2016
Despite what has seemed like a media blackout, millions across the world have been moved by the powerful struggle for land, water, and freedom at Standing Rock,… July 8, 2016
Dear Friends,
Along with millions, we mourn the loss of two Black people whose murder at the hands of police have ignited the hearts and filled the… on On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, Delegation Affirms Solidarity with Palestinian People
Activists, including a Critical Resistance member, a CR co-founder, and a member of our Community Advisory, recently released this… Apr 08, 2016
As momentum continues to grow against the U.S.’s colossal imprisonment system, the need for strategic targets is crucial, yet we are seeing an overbearing focus on private…
Policing is a Health Hazard
The Steadfastness of Palestine
Issue 27 of The Abolitionist is here!
Oscar Lopez Rivera and the Power of Our Movements
Free Them All! Political Prisoners & Anti-Imperialist Resistance
Trump and State Violence: The Struggle Continues
Standing Rock and International Anti-Colonialism
Rise in Power: Alton Sterling and Philando Castile
Private Prisons