
Critical Resistance: Campaigns & Project Updates

As Critical Resistance develops strong and vibrant grassroots projects and campaigns for abolition, check out updates from our work in Portland, Los Angeles, New York City, Oakland and across the US.

Summer 2023 Updates & News!

Whether it was celebrating 25 years of Critical Resistance (CR) with a large fundraiser and panel in May, propelling our prison industrial complex (PIC) abolitionist campaign and project work forward,…

Support CR Organize Against Immigrant Detention!

In 2022, Critical Resistance New York City (CRNYC) bolstered organizing against ICE detention across the state. Donate now to sustain CR’s organizing against immigrant detention!   CR New York City…

Support CR in fighting imprisonment in CA and beyond!

2022 was a strong year for Critical Resistance California chapters resisting imprisonment! We have continued to show up as key players in the fight to shut down cages across California.…

Support Critical Resistance’s Prisoner Solidarity Work!

This past year, Critical Resistance (CR) has worked hard to bolster solidarity with our comrades inside jails, prisons, and detention centers. We have strengthened our ability to run our primary…

Thank You for Supporting Critical Resistance in 2022!

Dear friends and supporters of Critical Resistance, During this year of intense political upheaval, Critical Resistance (CR) has steadfastly advanced prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition in our campaigns, projects, and…