Support CRLA end 2023 strong!
Dear Los Angeles comrades, Throughout 2023, Critical Resistance Los Angeles (CRLA) has been hard at work strengthening CR’s work in southern California. All year, CRLA has been knee-deep in the…
As Critical Resistance develops strong and vibrant grassroots projects and campaigns for abolition, check out updates from our work in Portland, Los Angeles, New York City, Oakland and across the US.
Dear Los Angeles comrades,
Throughout 2023, Critical Resistance Los Angeles (CRLA) has been hard at work strengthening CR’s work in southern California. All year, CRLA has been knee-deep in the… This past year, Critical Resistance (CR) members have strengthened our connections and organizing with thousands of imprisoned people by sharing resources, strategies, and political dialogue across walls. We have maintained… 2023’s final issue of Critical Resistance’s cross-wall bilingual newspaper, The Abolitionist— this time focused on control units—, is heading to print at our new printing press and will be en… 2023 has been a busy year for Critical Resistance Oakland. Below we share some updates on the work we’ve accomplished so far this year towards abolishing the PIC; work made… Critical Resistance (CR) is looking for volunteers to support with data entry to help us audit and update our list of ~10,000 imprisoned comrades!
Volunteers who sign up will conduct… Dear Los Angeles comrades,
Critical Resistance’s Los Angeles chapter (CRLA) has been hard at work getting reorganized and plugging in more to the statewide campaign for prison closure with Californians… Whether it was celebrating 25 years of Critical Resistance (CR) with a large fundraiser and panel in May, propelling our prison industrial complex (PIC) abolitionist campaign and project work forward,… This week this year marks the 52nd anniversary of the Attica Rebellion—when from September 9-13, 1971, about 1,300 prisoners rose up in resistance against horrible prison conditions. In solidarity with… For years, Washington prisoners have used Cultural Awareness Groups (CAGs) (CAGs) as spaces for collective growth, liberation, healing practices, and inside-out organizing with local partners like Liberation Media NW and… The latest issue of Critical Resistance’s cross-wall bilingual newspaper, The Abolitionist— this time focused on examining reproductive justice and prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition—, has printed on Juneteenth 2023, and…
Support CRLA end 2023 strong!
In 2023, Critical Resistance continued building power with imprisoned people toward abolitionist horizons
Issue 40 of The Abolitionist on Control Units Heads to Print
CR Oakland 2023 Newsletter: Updates for Spring, Summer & Fall
Call for Volunteers: Support CR’s Prisoner Solidarity Efforts!
Los Angeles: Critical Resistance Summer & Fall 2023 updates!
Summer 2023 Updates & News!
Attica Means Fight Back: Reflecting on 52 years of Prisoner Rebellion
Prisoners Resisting Repression of Cultural Awareness Groups in Washington
Hot off the press: Issue 39 of The Abolitionist on Reproductive Justice!