Things to Do with an Opiate/Heroin Overdose using Naloxone
The following tool is from Young Women Empowerment Project (YWEP)’s Girls Do What they Have to Do to Survive Report.…
This appears above the Resources area
The following tool is from Young Women Empowerment Project (YWEP)’s Girls Do What they Have to Do to Survive Report.…
This report was made by Young Women’s Empowerment Project. It reflects participatory research conducted by a group of youth and allies that lays out how girls who participate in sex…
Very extensive toolkit by Creative Interventions (nearly 600 pages). This toolkit lays out all of Creative Intervention’s strategies, steps, tools and lessons for intervening in situations of interpersonal harm. Thorough…
A report outlining models, definitions, approaches, structures, and strategies used in Chicago to offer alternative models to approach interpersonal violence and state violence against women. By Ann Russo and Melissa…
This toolkit, by Jane Hereth and Chez Rumpf, is a product of the Shifting from Carceral to Transformative Justice Feminisms Conference held at DePaul University on March 8, 2014. The…
CR National members made this toolkit in 2004. In this toolkit, you will find CR’s early ideas on the prison industrial complex and abolition, along with political education and organizing…
People First! is CR and OPP’s preliminary people’s report on police militarization and emergency preparedness. This report explores the real emergencies that communities of color in the Bay area face and…
CR and Public Health Justice Collective created this tool of a public health framework for organizing to abolish policing. This document is inspired by the American Public Health Association (APHA)’s…
Before the Black Lives Matter Movement, Oakland was an epicenter for resisting policing. In 2009, Oakland rose up in response to consecutive years of police killings from the cases of…
This is a chapter from the book Counter-Insurgency & Community Policing by Stop the Injunctions Coalition organizers and CR members. STIC Book ChapterDownload…