How to Stop a Jail in Your Town
Want to learn how to stop jail expansion? Check out this extensive compilation of organizing resources coordinated by CA United for a Responsible Budget (CURB), a coalition in CA fighting…
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Want to learn how to stop jail expansion? Check out this extensive compilation of organizing resources coordinated by CA United for a Responsible Budget (CURB), a coalition in CA fighting…
At the 2018 International Conference on Penal Abolition (ICOPA) held in London, Critical Resistance was introduced to the UK based prison abolitionist organization Empty Cages Collective. We are grateful to…
Information packet from LA No New Jails and Justice LA’s multi-year fight to stop jail expansion in Los Angeles County (2018). LA-Jail-Fight-Packet_final2018Download…
A flyer made by Critical Resistance Los Angeles for LA No More Jails Coalition (2004-2018) in the fight to stop jail expansion.…
A Critical Resistance Donor Webinar, July 2017 Thanks to years of visionary and bold organizing, the demands to abolish money bail and systems of bond are hitting mainstream conversations and…
For many of us, it isn’t news that today in America, there are around 2 million people in prison, and about 6.5 million people under some sort of supervision of…
Article written by Critical Resistance co-founder Rose Braz in 2006, published in October/November issue of Women, Girls & Criminal Justice. Kinder-Gentler-Gender-Responsive-CagesDownload…