As Critical Resistance develops strong and vibrant grassroots projects and campaigns for abolition, check out updates from our work in Portland, Los Angeles, New York City, Oakland and across the US.
Several years ago, shifting conversations about the prison industrial complex (PIC) at our work sites propelled a group of Critical Resistance affiliated post secondary educators to come together. We are…
Your gifts will help essential organizing against imprisonment.
Following successful 2019 and 2020 victories with coalitions against local jail expansion, CR Oakland and Los Angeles chapters have eagerly joined…
This year, Critical Resistance (CR) is advancing our organizing plans and deepening our connections to the inspiring, re-invigorated movement to abolish the prison industrial complex (PIC). Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic,…
This week, June 19, marks Juneteenth, the commemoration of the end of formalized slavery in the US. The date coincides with the last wave of notification of the signing of…
Dear friends of Critical Resistance,
We write today to mourn the loss and celebrate the legacy of our Community Advisor Linda Thurston, who organized on the steering committee of the…
Critical Resistance stands in solidarity with Palestine and is deeply opposed to Israel’s continued colonization, occupation, and use of imprisonment and administrative detention against the Palestinian people. As an organization…
This Mother’s Day, Critical Resistance sends our solidarity and fortitude to all the mothers, aunties, grandmothers, caregivers, and those who love them. We celebrate and uplift all the mothers and…
Dear friends and fellow travelers,
The challenges, loss and hardship of 2020 motivated us to organize with urgency, responsiveness and solidarity. As health, economic, and political crises escalated, abolition…
On March 30, 2020, Critical Resistance and a powerful cast of movement partners came together for “Organizing Against Toxic Imprisonment in the Face of Covid-19,” a webinar rapidly organized to…
A Winning Start to Defund Campaign
Moves Forward in Oakland
Defund Oakland Police Department (OPD) Coalition successfully moves community recommendations through Reimagine Public Safety task force to Oakland City…