As Critical Resistance develops strong and vibrant grassroots projects and campaigns for abolition, check out updates from our work in Portland, Los Angeles, New York City, Oakland and across the US.
Early Thursday morning, August 16th 2018, Mayor de Blasio released his updated borough-based jail expansion plan along with a collection of carefully curated brochures. CR NYC and other community organizations…
Dear Critical Resistance friends,Through collaborations with over 75 organizations and groups already this year, Critical Resistance (CR) continues to make abolition irresistible. We’ve done over 100 workshops and presentations this…
Recently the LA Board of Supervisors released the final Environmental Impact Report concerning the construction of a “Consolidated Correctional Treatment Facility,” a new jail in LA. We at CR oppose…
Alongside partners from LA No More Jails and Justice LA, Critical Resistance is working to halt to a multi-billion dollar jail plan being proposed for the county. This is a…
Our work is gaining strength across the country: in New York City, Los Angeles, Portland, and Oakland. In Oakland we just won a historic victory in our campaign with the…
Upcoming in Los Angeles:Dance classes on Wed. March 14 and Fri. March 16.Are you a service provider or do you use reentry services in community? Come to our Saturday March…
Care Not Cops: Mental Health Care Not Policing Rejects the Portland Police Bureau Requested Budget
Read and share the full statement from the Care Not Cops: Mental Health Care Not…
“The Zachary Project allowed space for me to gain clarity while entangled in a battle with depression. I was able to tend to my mental health without concern about finance,…
The Impact of The Zachary Project
“The Zachary Project allowed space for me to gain clarity while entangled in a battle with depression. I was able to tend to my…
As a result of massive community pressure and opposition, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has just announced that he is directing…