Dear friends and supporters of Critical Resistance,
During this year of intense political upheaval, Critical Resistance (CR) has steadfastly advanced prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition in our campaigns, projects, and analysis-sharing – and supporters like you have empowered us to do this work strongly. This year, we worked strategically with movement partners through our campaigns and coalition organizing; connected with community members through in-person and virtual mobilizations, mail days, and gatherings; and built politically with imprisoned comrades through our correspondence programs and inside-outside organizing tools. It remains abundantly clear that ending systems of caging and criminalization is fundamental to any project to get people free. Whether the work for liberation centers access to housing, healthcare, migration, environmental restoration, and more, CR remains committed to all our interconnected fights for freedom through our work to abolish the PIC.
Your generosity is crucial to our campaigns and projects, correspondence with imprisoned people, and building with movement partners. Can you continue to support CR’s organizing for PIC abolition? With your support this year, we have:
- Collaborated with California movement partners to confirm a prison closure
in Susanville, CA – with the possibility to close three more prisons across the state - Bolstered the organizing to end immigrant detention in New York
- Strengthened our prisoner correspondence programs to better fuel our campaigns and political relationships
- Distributed a housing justice issue of The Abolitionist newspaper to over 4,500 imprisoned comrades for free, hundreds of outside paid subscribers, and many longtime movement partners. Issue #38 on labor organizing is on its way to the printers now!
Read and download our full year-end letter here to learn more about the work your donation supports.
Thank you!
-Critical Resistance.