
As we forge on into 2025, Critical Resistance remains steadfast in our mission to build a movement for prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition. Your unwavering support will continue to be crucial in sustaining abolitionist organizing, fostering environments of resistance and resilience, and strengthening our collective capacity for sustained action against the PIC. We are grateful to be in this fight with you – our beloved movement partners, allies, and community members. 

Last month we put out the call to support our campaigns and projects through grassroots donations and aimed to raise $90,000 across the entire organization for our chapters, projects, and overall movement building work.


You showed us the value of our organizing and the power of grassroots fundraising, helping us raise over $125,000 for the entire organization through online donations, checks, donor-advised funds, family funds, and more – with donations ranging from $5 to $25,000!  

You helped us raise: 

  • $100,000+ for the at-large organization 
  • $10,000+ for CR NYC 
  • $5,000+ for CR OAK 
  • $1,500 for CR PDX 
  • $800 for CR LA 
  • $2,000 for The Zachary Project 
  • $1,315 for The Abolitionist newspaper through 60+ new subscribers  

Your resources and support are essential to making prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition common sense and sustaining PIC abolition in action through CR’s campaigns, projects, political education, and movement partnerships. THANK YOU! We appreciate donations of your time, effort, and funds to sustain our organizing, and we invite you to continue your abolitionist journey with us in 2025.