
issue 4 header

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This printing marks the fourth edition of The Abolitionist. We’re finally growing into our skin a bit and feel better situated to make a real impact. We appreciate your submissions, support, patience, and encouragement through these fledgling issues and apologize for our inconsistencies. We’re acutely aware of them. We want the paper to be more inclusive of those who resist and inspire from inside so that we broaden our conception and practice of self-determination. We’re also very aware that the language can be dense and are working on making it more accessible without losing content. Thank you so much for your feedback and your support. We hope this paper awakens your freedom spirit.

Many thanks to all our contributors and translators!

In the following pages you’ll find the words of Stephanie Collins, Pablo Agrio, Mario Rocha, Ramsey Muniz, John Bowman, Richard Brown, Hank Jones, Dylan Rodriguez, Viet Mike Ngo, Andrea Smith, Alexander Lee, PREAP, RJ Maccani, and Liz Samuels.

Love and struggle