
Our members make Critical Resistance run: they plan and implement projects and campaigns, host events and workshops, share our analysis and help make prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition common sense, and tend to the health and wellbeing of our organization. 

As a member-led organization, membership expectations and responsibilities for Critical Resistance are rigorous, with both paid and non-paid membership roles. We are currently only bringing in new members through our local chapters: in Los Angeles (CRLA), Oakland or the larger Bay Area (CROak), Portland (CRPDX), New York City (CRNYC), and Central Appalachia (CRCAPP).

Our new member orientation is a three-part process including a new member orientation meeting, followed by two introductory political education workshops – Intro to the Prison Industrial Complex and Intro to Abolition. From there, new members are supported to attend general meetings for their chapter, monthly political education sessions, and to get involved in chapter workgroups for campaigns and projects.

Contact your local chapter and come to a volunteer night to get involved!