Because the prison industrial complex (PIC) is complex and decentralized even while tightly coordinated, the PIC has local characteristics that must be addressed locally. Since our work reflects the local problems we think are most pressing and local solutions we think are most appropriate, Critical Resistance is an organization based on a chapter structure. Our chapter structure helps us to draw on local and regional knowledge, culture, and history in order to combat the ever-moving, ever-changing nature of the prison industrial complex (PIC).

Members of our local chapters develop their own chapter projects and campaigns while coordinating and communicating with other chapters and non-chapter (or “national”) members across CR’s national organization. Chapter projects and campaigns range from fighting policing in working class communities of color, to community education projects, to grassroots campaigns to oppose prison and jail construction.
What unites all of our projects is a commitment to working for the eventual elimination of the PIC as well as to taking practical steps to create the communities we envision for ourselves. As a national organization we are able to share resources, staff capacity and infrastructural support, political education, fundraising efforts, technology, trainings, and a dynamic network and vibrant legacy of PIC abolitionists throughout the world.
CR currently has chapters in New York City, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, and Central Appalachia.
CR Los Angeles | Contact CRLA: | |
CR Portland | Contact CR Portland: | |
CR Oakland | Contact CR Oakland: | |
CR New York | Contact CRNYC: | |
CR Central Appalachia | Contact CRCAPP: |