Our 2015 year-end fundraising campaign was a huge success: together, we raised $51,000 from grassroots donations, almost double our $30,000 goal!
We appreciate you: This is a big victory, further securing our transition from being primarily funded by foundations to grassroots funding becoming our primary source of income. Thank you for helping CR secure this win and for building a strong foundation for us to continue growing.
Did you miss our year end letter summarizing the gains and highlights of 2015? READ IT HERE. 
2016 promises to be an exciting year! With your support Critical Resistance will:
- Prevent California counties from spending billions on new jail cells and prisons and advocate for life-affirming programs and services.
- Contribute to prison closure organizing in New York with the Attica Interview Project.
- Halt harmful policing policies including gang injunctions, curfews, and anti-loitering ordinances.
- Amplify the voices of prisoners, former prisoners, and prisoners’ family members and loved ones through supporting prisoner hunger strikers, our prisoner mail program, and The Abolitionist.
CR appreciates Finley Coyl, who donated layout and design for our year end mailing letter. http://www.ardentata.net/
Visit our DONATE page to learn about more about ways to support Critical Resistance.