
In this 25th year of Critical Resistance (CR), we bolstered the international movement to abolish the prison industrial complex (PIC) through our campaigns and projects, the resources we created and distributed, and the movement building work we did alongside our allies and community members. Throughout the year, and in moments of heightened crisis such as this, CR has worked to uplift the connections between all our global fights for liberation – as organizations, community members, and comrades in struggle. We know PIC abolition is essential and that it is long-haul work, which requires organized efforts and concrete strategies to dismantle oppressive systems, change living conditions, and build life-affirming resources we all need and deserve.


With your support in 2023, CR was able to advance strategies for abolition in many ways. We ask that you continue showing up for PIC abolitionist organizing to keep this work going in the year to come – volunteer with us, attend an upcoming event or workshop and bring your folks, share our organizing tools, and donate to keep Critical Resistance strong, vibrant and rigorous for years to come!

Want to learn more about what CR has been up to this year? You can read more about all of CR’s 2023 work in our year-end recap letter here:


Will you help us get to our $35,000 goal by December 31?

We put out the call for you to support CR’s campaign and project organizing — and you’ve shown us the value of our organizing through words, images, actions, and by helping us raise over $20,000 this fall! Your resources and contributions are essential to keeping abolition in action through our campaigns, projects, political education, and movement partnerships. This month our goal is to raise $35,000 from over 5,000 people for CR. That’s just under $10/person! Your generous support is crucial to us reaching our goal in the next week.

There are many ways you can still support CR in the final days of 2023. You can:

1.) Donate generously – whether it’s $20, $200, $2,000, or $20,000 – no amount is too small or too large! Every penny helps us chip away at the PIC. Please support us by giving online or sending a check to our national office in Oakland (address below!).

2.) Become a monthly sustainer online or by check (some workplaces have giving programs!) to keep CR strong.

3.) Subscribe or donate to The Abolitionist, our bilingual cross-wall newspaper that we send to imprisoned people for free twice per year.

4.) Spread the word to family and friends by sharing our website, posting on social media, and encouraging people to support CR.

Thank you for supporting Critical Resistance!