
Happy Mamas’ Day from Critical Resistance (CR)!

Mamas, aunties, and caretakers have been the back bone of abolition for generations.

Light bluish-gray background with light pink and lavender accent boxes and burgundy text w/ stats from Prison Policy Initiative on mothers, women, and transgender people in prisons & jails. Illustration of two Black women hugging each other behind a dandelion, by Jess X Snow for People's Paper Co-Op. Text says: "Free All Mamas. Mamas, aunties & caregivers have been the back bone of abolition for generations. Almost 1 million women in the US are imprisoned or under some form of court supervision. Black women & transgender people are the fastest growing prison & jail populations. Over half (58%) of all women or people caged in US prisons for women are mothers, as are 80% of people in jails for women. An estimated 58,000 people every year are pregnant when they enter local jails or prisons, and the numbers within each of these categories are rising."

According to Prison Policy Initiative and Interrupting Criminalization:

  • Almost 1 million women in the US are imprisoned or under some for court supervision.
  • Black women & transgender people are the fastest growing prison/jail populations.
  • Over half (58%) of all people caged in US prisons for women are mothers/parents, as are 80% of people in jails for women.
  • An estimated 58,000 people every year are pregnant when they enter local jails or prisons, and the numbers within each of these categories are rising.

This doesn’t include the countless mamas, parents, & caregivers who are separated from families from other parts of the prison industrial complex (PIC), including immigration detention, deportations, police killings, or the family policing system.

CR’s editorial collective for The Abolitionist newspaper is heading to print with issue 39 featuring timely articles on reproductive justice and prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition in mid June!

Issue 39 contributors include:

and MORE! 

Light bluish-gray background with light pink and lavender accent boxes and burgundy text (and some phrases in blue and magenta for emphasis). A collage image of a Black family by Maya Lewis is the main illustration of the flyer. The banner of The Abolitionist newspaper is at the top with a "sneak peek" torn scrap of paper underneath. Text on this flyer reads: "Issue 39 of The Abolitionist Newspaper features articles on reproductive justice & abolition. Sneak a peek into the newest issue of CR's cross-wall bilingual newspaper The Abolitionist, printing in June 2023. Check out our early release article 'Fulfilling the promise of reproductive justice: Abolition & the Family Regulation System' by Erin Miles Cloud & Lisa Sangoi of Movement for Family Power. This Mothers' Day, give the gist of abolition! Subscribe today to receive your very own issue on reproductive justice & abolition hot off the press in June, and help us expand our outreach to imprisoned folks in prisons & jails for women."Sneak a peek into this much needed issue of The Abolitionist: Read and Share Movement for Family Power’s article on family policing, “Fulling the Promise of Reproductive Justice: Abolition & the Family Regulation System,” by Erin Miles Cloud and Lisa Sangoi.


Like what you read? Subscribe TODAY or give a subscription to a mama, aunty or caregiver for Mother’s Day to receive your very own copy of Issue 39 in full HOT OFF THE PRESS in June 2023. 

Also, help CR expand outreach to imprisoned people inside facilities for women. Sign up a loved one or comrade for a free subscription to The Abolitionist here.