To protectors of the land, indigenous freedom fighters, and defenders against colonialism: we stand in joint struggle with you as our work for abolition of the prison industrial complex is necessarily tied to anti-imperialist efforts. Imprisonment, policing, and surveillance are tools for social control that allow the perpetuation of colonial efforts and racialized capitalism. We pay homage to political prisoners who are held captive by the state for fighting against the ongoing land theft and genocide. Their imprisonment is a direct attack on movements to free the people and land from colonialism – including Puerto Rican national struggles, ongoing indigenous resistance such as at Standing Rock, and the New Afrikan independence movement.
As many people across the US gather with their loved ones today, we keep in mind that this day has been used to whitewash the enslavement and genocide of the indigenous people of this land, as well as their ongoing struggle for self-determination.
Political imprisonment is used for coercion, control, and domination over social and political movements. The steadfastness of our political prisoner comrades reminds us to continue our efforts until the people and land are free.
We encourage you to take a moment today to sign the below clemency petitions and demand Obama to take action in his final days. These are just a few of many freedom fighters representing various anti-imperialist movements, while many more continue to resist inside and outside of prison walls. Free all political prisoners, free all prisoners!
Leonard Peltier
Mutulu Shakur
Oscar Lopez Rivera
We also want to draw attention to the upcoming November 29th court date for Rasmea Odeh, a liberation fighter and close comrade to Critical Resistance who is being targeted by the US government for her political activity. Please sign the petition to end the targeting of Rasmea Odeh and support people to attend her court date.
Towards abolition,
Critical Resistance