The No New SF Jail Coalition continues to steadily fight jail construction while also pressing for a closure of the jail at 850 Bryant. Despite the Board of Supervisors commitment to close 850 Bryant without building a new jail, we have seen no progress to that effect. In fact, jail population numbers continue to rise, particularly with an increase in police attacks on houseless people. Mayor Breed’s approval of 200 new police hires endangers community safety as gentrification and imprisonment in San Francisco are on the rise.
Monday Oct 22: Close 850 Bryant! No New Cops! No New Jails!
Rally and Action – Spread the word on Facebook!!
Monday October 22nd, 2018 4pm-6pm
San Francisco City Hall, Polk Street Side
Civic Center Plaza
Join our Art Build on Saturday October 20th from 4-6pm
at SOMCAN – 1100 Howard Street, SF (check FB action page for details)
Endorsed by: No New SF Jail Coalition, California Coalition for Women Prisoners, Coleman Advocates for Youth, Critical Resistance Oakland, Do No Harm Collective, Gay Shame, Mujeras Unidas y Activas, Senior and Disability Action, and TGI Justice Project.
To endorse, email nosfjail@curbprisonspending.
October 24th: Testify at the Board of Supervisors
The rally on Oct 22nd is building momentum for a Board of Supervisors Public Safety Committee hearing on October 24th at 10am. The hearing is to discuss progress on the recommendations made last year by the Board of Supervisor’s empowered Workgroup to Re-envision the Jail Replacement Project. While this workgroup proposed dozens of policy and programmatic solutions as well as investments to reduce jail population there has been little accountability or funding for implementation.
Turn out to the Board of Supervisors to support coalition demands:
- Close 850 Bryant Now
- Invest in cooperative housing and neighborhood based services
- Support transformative justice practices instead of imprisonment
- Reverse the increased size of police force
Talking points and additional information about the coalition demands will be available at the hearing.