
Several years ago, shifting conversations about the prison industrial complex (PIC) at our work sites propelled a group of Critical Resistance affiliated post secondary educators to come together. We are excited to release our new Resource Guide for Teaching and Learning Abolition, for people interested in learning and teaching abolition across post-secondary schools, community organizations and study groups. Also check out a resource we created in 2020 breaking down eight actions for “How to Grow Abolition on Your Campus.”


We also want to lift up a historic tool created by one of our abolitionist educators, a long-time CR organizer and former staffer Melissa Burch: the PIC “Bullseye” activity, also known as CR’s concentric circles exercise. Since our Los Angeles chapter created the tool back in the early 2000’s, CR has been using this exercise in Intro to the PIC workshops around the world for decades to deepen people’s understanding and analysis of the PIC’s many moving parts. CR’s post-secondary abolitionist educators workgroup has updated the tool to make it available for virtual use and download. Check it out here.