

What is CR’s Prisoner Solidarity Phone Line?

As a political organization working to abolish the prison industrial complex (PIC), CR has a practice of taking prisoners’ phone calls as one line of communication with people on the inside. CR’s Prisoner Solidarity Phone Line works to foster strong, principled and mutually-beneficial relationships with prisoners across the PIC’s cages as a way to break cycles of isolation, stay informed on conditions inside, connect imprisoned people with CR’s work and campaigns, and ensure that our work is grounded in the vision and needs of those most impacted by the PIC.


 *Formerly imprisoned people, people with imprisoned loved ones, people who are systems impacted, and people with experience in prisoner solidarity and correspondence work are highly encouraged to apply!


Click here to learn more and apply by the deadline, Friday August 26th. 

CR’s Phone Line volunteer cohort has a cap of 20 openings for volunteers to accommodate our weekly shift schedule and number of open shifts. 



2-Part Phone Line Volunteer Training Series (mandatory for volunteers):


PART ONE |  Sunday, August 28th  | 10:00 – 1:00 PM (PACIFIC TIME), Via Zoom

Participants will explore CR’s roots in the radical prisoner movement, learn about CR’s current work & campaigns, and get trained up in how to volunteer!


PART TWO |  Sunday, September 4th  | 10:00 – 1:00 PM (PACIFIC TIME), Via Zoom

Participants will explore boundaries & communication skills, and will develop a shared understanding around the values & principles of prisoner solidarity, mutual interest & joint struggle for PIC abolition that ground the Phone Line program.



Both trainings will have Closed Captioning, Live Transcript and Nonverbal Feedback options available in Zoom.