
Critical Resistance: Campaigns & Project Updates

As Critical Resistance develops strong and vibrant grassroots projects and campaigns for abolition, check out updates from our work in Portland, Los Angeles, New York City, Oakland and across the US.

Thank You for Supporting Critical Resistance in 2022!

Dear friends and supporters of Critical Resistance, During this year of intense political upheaval, Critical Resistance (CR) has steadfastly advanced prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition in our campaigns, projects, and…

Uplifting Indigenous Resistance, Today & Always

This week is as significant a time as ever to reflect on how the prison industrial complex (PIC) is deployed on behalf of the US colonial project, and in turn…

Abolition NOW post 2022 midterm elections

As the dust settles after this year’s midterm election, we at Critical Resistance (CR) are reflecting on the balance of forces that are aligning at this moment and what it…

Rest in Power, Mike Davis!

Critical Resistance (CR) joins communities of resistance in mourning the loss of historian, geographer, abolitionist intellectual and organizer Mike Davis. He passed away last Tuesday, October 25th at age 76…

CRNYC ReLaunch Success: THANK YOU!

Big, big thank you to those who joined us in New York on Saturday October 15, whether in person or in spirit, to celebrate the re-launch of Critical Resistance New…